Getting Reacquainted

Hi everybody! Well, most of you were right; it only took three weeks for me to come crawling back. Since I’m supine and covered with dust, I wanted to update everyone on my status.

First, the issue which forced me to delete SYLG2 – for those of you I told – is still active. It has been a month, and so far, I have not heard anything. That is most likely not good news. I decided to delete SYLG2 because the people responsible for my predicament were making it impossible to blog in peace. As a result, I spent the last three weeks bored out of my mind, sitting in front of the computer not writing.

Second, while I am for all intents and purposes back, I am not entirely comfortable yet. I’m tired of trolls and the other drama which comes with a moderately popular blog. Hopefully, the trolls do not follow me here. I am looking to post at least once a day, but I am taking weekends off for a while. I suspect I’ll be at full posting before Christmas. To be brutally honest, I missed you guys, and the emails from readers telling me they missed the blog worked. I came back as much for you as for me.

Third, I want to put up better posts. The slapdash links followed by snarky comments are okay occasionally, but I find it lazy. I want to spend more time on posts like I did when I first stated.

Finally, I want to apologize to everyone. I am an emotional person, and when a crisis comes along, my first instinct is to bail. I bailed on SYLG2 when I probably could have kept going. On Tuesday night, I considered deleting this blog, too, but I started my blogging career here in 2005. The thought of all that work going into the black hole – 3,000+ posts – disturbed me greatly. Considering my occasional emotional breakdowns, I realize I do not deserve your readership, but I am grateful for it.

Thanks for coming back. I missed you guys. I missed this place.

12 thoughts on “Getting Reacquainted

  1. Cathy – Thank you for being here when I did. This past month has been one of the worst in my life, and the blog is really all I have left. I want to use it to make other people happy, even when I'm down.


  2. Jenn – I'm not a huge fan of my name. I always liked my middle name, David, much more. And thank you. I will do my best to never leave again. I promise. Cathy was right. When things get really bad, I need to suck it up.


  3. I believe someone heard Patton's college roommate's divorce lawyer say that he had heard of a guy who overheard Patton say this:\”Your job is not to bail on your blog! Your job is to make the poor sucker who messes with your blog pee him/her/it-self and run away crying!\”I think the quote went like that anyway.


  4. Where would I get my much needed doses of sarcasm if you're not blogging? For purely selfish reasons, I am glad you are back.


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